Food For All

INCK Foundation provides free food to the most vulnerable, to eradicate hunger, feed hungry, reduce malnutrition, and reduce food wastage by collaborating with stakeholders. 

In the Global Hunger Index 2020, India ranked 94 among 107 nations, respect to last year where India was 102 out of 117 countries. It is in the
‘serious’ hunger category.

As per the report, 14 percent of India’s population is undernourished. India also recorded a 37.4 percent stunting among children under five and a wasting rate of 17.3 percent. The under-five mortality rate stood at 3.7 percent.


According to the Global Nutrition Report 2020, India will miss targets for all four nutritional indicators for which there is data available, i.e. stunting among under-5 children, anaemia among women of reproductive age, childhood overweight and exclusive breastfeeding.
Between 2000 and 2016, rates of underweight have decreased from 66.0% to 58.1% for boys and 54.2% to 50.1% in girls. However, this is still high compared to the average of 35.6% for boys and 31.8% for girls in Asia. In addition, 37.9% of children under 5 years are stunted and 20.8% are wasted, compared to the Asia average of 22.7% and 9.4% respectively

Nutritional Food Distribution

How can you make an Impact?

How will your Donation make an impact for providing Food?

  • 3000/-food for 1 child 1 month
  • 1500/- Rashan kit for 1 family 1 month
  • Breakfast or lunch cost for 50 Children 3500 for 1 day

How will your Donation make an impact for Mentally, physically disabled child?

  • INR. 1,250/ for 1 month
  • INR. 15000/ yearly per child
  • Basic Physiotherapy cost -1600 per child one month